Seven Hills Art Club
Constitution and By-laws
Constitution and By-laws
Seven Hills Art Club
ARTICLE I – Name of Organization and Purpose
This organization shall be named Seven Hills Art Club. The purpose of the Club is to promote interest in the visual arts by having regularly scheduled meetings to share members’ mutual interests in the arts.
ARTICLE II – Membership
Membership in the Seven Hills Art Club shall be open to all artists who work independently in any medium and anyone with an interest in art. Membership dues shall be collected annually. The Executive Board may review artwork prior to membership approval.
ARTICLE III – Officers
The Seven Hills Art Club shall be governed by an Executive Board consisting of a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer and a Secretary. The Board Officers may appoint at large members to the Executive Board at their discretion. A Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President.
ARTICLE IV – Meetings
Regularly scheduled meetings shall be determined by the Executive Board and prior notice shall be communicated to all members.
ARTICLE V – Amendments to the Constitution
This Constitution may be amended by a majority vote of the Seven Hills Art Club membership at any regular business meeting, provided two (2) Officers of the Executive Board and a quorum of the membership are present. A 30-day advance notice of the intention to amend the Constitution must be communicated to each member. Members have 30 days from the date of the notice to communicate questions or concerns regarding proposed amendments to the President.
This Constitution of the Seven Hills Art Club has been adopted and accepted on the
_____________ day of _____________________________, 20__.
, President
This organization shall be named Seven Hills Art Club. The purpose of the Club is to promote interest in the visual arts by having regularly scheduled meetings to share members’ mutual interests in the arts.
ARTICLE II – Membership
Membership in the Seven Hills Art Club shall be open to all artists who work independently in any medium and anyone with an interest in art. Membership dues shall be collected annually. The Executive Board may review artwork prior to membership approval.
ARTICLE III – Officers
The Seven Hills Art Club shall be governed by an Executive Board consisting of a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer and a Secretary. The Board Officers may appoint at large members to the Executive Board at their discretion. A Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President.
ARTICLE IV – Meetings
Regularly scheduled meetings shall be determined by the Executive Board and prior notice shall be communicated to all members.
ARTICLE V – Amendments to the Constitution
This Constitution may be amended by a majority vote of the Seven Hills Art Club membership at any regular business meeting, provided two (2) Officers of the Executive Board and a quorum of the membership are present. A 30-day advance notice of the intention to amend the Constitution must be communicated to each member. Members have 30 days from the date of the notice to communicate questions or concerns regarding proposed amendments to the President.
This Constitution of the Seven Hills Art Club has been adopted and accepted on the
_____________ day of _____________________________, 20__.
, President
Seven Hills Art Club
ARTICLE I – Meetings
Business meetings of the Seven Hills Art Club shall be held on the first Friday of each month between September and May. The meeting location shall be selected by the Executive Board and approved by a quorum of the members. The Club may enter at any time into a contract or partnership agreement with other organizations to hold regular meetings or events such as shows, sales, exhibits, or related art occasions. Business meetings may be cancelled by the Executive Board with prior notification made to the membership. The annual meeting shall be held the first Friday in May, and Board Officers shall be elected and installed.
ARTICLE II – Order of Business
Robert’s Rules of Order shall be used as the guidelines for all business meetings. Regular order of business shall be as follows:
ARTICLE III – Executive Board Elections and Responsibilities
A Nominating Committee of the Seven Hills Art Club shall be appointed by the President. Officers shall be elected from the active membership at the annual meeting, be installed, and shall hold office for a two (2) year term beginning June 1. Officers may be re-elected to serve an additional one (1) or two (2) year term. The President and Secretary shall be elected the first year, and the Vice-President and Treasurer shall be elected the following year. Rotation of officers shall continue in this manner.
If a Board Officer vacancy occurs during the fiscal year, the Executive Board shall appoint a member to fill the vacancy, subject to the approval by a quorum of the Club membership.
ARTICLE IV – Membership and Responsibility
Membership dues to the Seven Hills Art Club will be $25.00 annually, due by the May business meeting. Members are eligible to vote and participate in all activities if they are members in good standing, having paid their dues for the year. A short grace period for payment may be granted by the Executive Board on a case-by-case basis. New members joining January 1 to April 30 will pay prorated dues of $15.00. The Executive Board may award a scholarship or grant to any individual showing a financial need. Individuals may approach any Board Officer to apply for a scholarship/grant, or be nominated by another Club member.
A storage area may be provided to leave refreshment and other supplies at our meeting or event site. The Club or the host site assumes no responsibility for damage or loss. All members are responsible for leaving the facility where our meetings or events are held as it was found.
Club members shall observe privacy laws and restrict the use of member information to Club business only. Any type of solicitation will not be permitted.
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ARTICLE V – Quorum
A quorum of the Seven Hills Art Club shall consist of those present from the general membership including two (2) Officers of the Executive Board. A majority of such quorum may decide any question that may come before the meeting, consistent with the By-Laws.
ARTICLE VI– Finances
Membership dues, fees, and other monies donated or collected shall be used to defray the Seven Hills Art Club expenses for the benefit of Club members. The Club also may vote to donate funds to nonprofits, award scholarships or grants based on need, or present an award to an artist at an event.
A checking account shall be set up in the name of the Club. This account shall have signatures on file with the bank of the Treasurer and one other Officer appointed by the Executive Board. Only one signature is required to sign checks. A debit/credit card shall be available for Club purchases made by the Treasurer or designated Officer.
ARTICLE VII – Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Seven Hills Art Club shall be from June 1 through May 31 of the following year.
ARTICLE VIII – Exhibitions and Shows
The Executive Board of the Seven Hills Art Club will determine the number and size of paintings, drawings, or other artwork, and notify the membership, no later than one (1) month before an exhibition or show. All members showing their work in exhibitions or shows are required to work during that show when necessary.
Each member will pay a commission of 20 percent (20%) of the total sale price of any paintings or artwork sold any time the member uses the Club name. In the event that other galleries or venues contract with the Club for an exhibit or show and charge a commission, the Club commission will be waived. Each exhibiting member may be charged a fee to cover expenses.
ARTICLE IX – Amendments to the By-Laws
These By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote of the Seven Hills Art Club membership at any regular business meeting, provided two (2) Officers of the Executive Board and a quorum of the membership are present. A 30-day advance notice of the intention to amend the Constitution or By-Laws must be communicated to each member. Members have 30 days from the date of the notice to communicate questions or concerns regarding proposed amendments to the President.
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These By-Laws of the Seven Hills Art Club have been adopted and accepted on the
_____________ day of ________________________, 2016.
Pauline Goodman, President
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Business meetings of the Seven Hills Art Club shall be held on the first Friday of each month between September and May. The meeting location shall be selected by the Executive Board and approved by a quorum of the members. The Club may enter at any time into a contract or partnership agreement with other organizations to hold regular meetings or events such as shows, sales, exhibits, or related art occasions. Business meetings may be cancelled by the Executive Board with prior notification made to the membership. The annual meeting shall be held the first Friday in May, and Board Officers shall be elected and installed.
ARTICLE II – Order of Business
Robert’s Rules of Order shall be used as the guidelines for all business meetings. Regular order of business shall be as follows:
- Call meeting to order
- Introduce guests and new or prospective members
- Consideration of previous meeting’s minutes
- Treasurer’s report
- Committee reports
- Old business
- Election and installation of officers (annual meeting)
- New business
- Adjournment of meeting
- Program, if planned
ARTICLE III – Executive Board Elections and Responsibilities
A Nominating Committee of the Seven Hills Art Club shall be appointed by the President. Officers shall be elected from the active membership at the annual meeting, be installed, and shall hold office for a two (2) year term beginning June 1. Officers may be re-elected to serve an additional one (1) or two (2) year term. The President and Secretary shall be elected the first year, and the Vice-President and Treasurer shall be elected the following year. Rotation of officers shall continue in this manner.
- President – shall oversee the general organization of the Club and be responsible for membership. The President shall appoint and oversee all committees.
- Vice-President – shall automatically assume the position of the President in the event of vacancy or substitute for the President during his/her absence. The Vice-President will perform such duties as the President shall request. The Vice-President shall be responsible for inviting and making all arrangements for guest speakers at monthly meetings.
- Treasurer – shall be responsible for collecting and disbursing Club funds through the Club checking account, provide a financial report at each business meeting, and shall submit all records in the form of an annual report for review by the Executive Board.
- Secretary – shall be responsible for recording and presenting the minutes of meetings, handle correspondence, public affairs, and record the attendance at each business meeting. The Secretary shall provide a copy of the Executive Board minutes to each Officer.
- At large members shall be appointed by the Officers to be a part of the Executive Board. Others may be appointed periodically to serve in a position for temporary tasks.
- Committees shall be appointed by the President and act for the duration of their assigned task or until the end of the fiscal year.
If a Board Officer vacancy occurs during the fiscal year, the Executive Board shall appoint a member to fill the vacancy, subject to the approval by a quorum of the Club membership.
ARTICLE IV – Membership and Responsibility
Membership dues to the Seven Hills Art Club will be $25.00 annually, due by the May business meeting. Members are eligible to vote and participate in all activities if they are members in good standing, having paid their dues for the year. A short grace period for payment may be granted by the Executive Board on a case-by-case basis. New members joining January 1 to April 30 will pay prorated dues of $15.00. The Executive Board may award a scholarship or grant to any individual showing a financial need. Individuals may approach any Board Officer to apply for a scholarship/grant, or be nominated by another Club member.
A storage area may be provided to leave refreshment and other supplies at our meeting or event site. The Club or the host site assumes no responsibility for damage or loss. All members are responsible for leaving the facility where our meetings or events are held as it was found.
Club members shall observe privacy laws and restrict the use of member information to Club business only. Any type of solicitation will not be permitted.
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ARTICLE V – Quorum
A quorum of the Seven Hills Art Club shall consist of those present from the general membership including two (2) Officers of the Executive Board. A majority of such quorum may decide any question that may come before the meeting, consistent with the By-Laws.
ARTICLE VI– Finances
Membership dues, fees, and other monies donated or collected shall be used to defray the Seven Hills Art Club expenses for the benefit of Club members. The Club also may vote to donate funds to nonprofits, award scholarships or grants based on need, or present an award to an artist at an event.
A checking account shall be set up in the name of the Club. This account shall have signatures on file with the bank of the Treasurer and one other Officer appointed by the Executive Board. Only one signature is required to sign checks. A debit/credit card shall be available for Club purchases made by the Treasurer or designated Officer.
ARTICLE VII – Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Seven Hills Art Club shall be from June 1 through May 31 of the following year.
ARTICLE VIII – Exhibitions and Shows
The Executive Board of the Seven Hills Art Club will determine the number and size of paintings, drawings, or other artwork, and notify the membership, no later than one (1) month before an exhibition or show. All members showing their work in exhibitions or shows are required to work during that show when necessary.
Each member will pay a commission of 20 percent (20%) of the total sale price of any paintings or artwork sold any time the member uses the Club name. In the event that other galleries or venues contract with the Club for an exhibit or show and charge a commission, the Club commission will be waived. Each exhibiting member may be charged a fee to cover expenses.
ARTICLE IX – Amendments to the By-Laws
These By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote of the Seven Hills Art Club membership at any regular business meeting, provided two (2) Officers of the Executive Board and a quorum of the membership are present. A 30-day advance notice of the intention to amend the Constitution or By-Laws must be communicated to each member. Members have 30 days from the date of the notice to communicate questions or concerns regarding proposed amendments to the President.
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These By-Laws of the Seven Hills Art Club have been adopted and accepted on the
_____________ day of ________________________, 2016.
Pauline Goodman, President
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